Counselor Application

Online Pre-Qualification Application

Camp Amplify is powered by capable, caring, passionate volunteers and generous people of faith. People like you!  As a Camp Amplify Counselor or Volunteer, you have a unique opportunity to make a permanent difference in the lives of many youth campers. Please submit the form below to begin the application process to partner with us as a Camp Counselor. After it is reviewed, someone from Camp Amplify will be in touch with you.

Camp Amplify Pre-Qualification Form

Please fill out and submit the following form. This information will be securely submitted to Camp Amplify leaders and you will be contacted after it is reviewed.

    General Information

    Are you a US Citizen?

    If not, is it legal for you to work in the US?

    Social Media Accounts

    Matters of Faith

    Counselor Details, Personal & Leadership Qualities

    Camp Amplify requires all staff members to attend staff training, date & time TBA

    Counselor in Training (CIT) does not need to pay Camp Amplify to be there

    Payment for a week includes room and board

    Counselor: $350 per week
    Counselor in Training (CIT): $100 per week
    Volunteer/Missionary: Not monetarily compensated.

    Camp Amplify performs a background check on all Counselor, Counselor in Training, and Volunteer applicants to ensure the safety of our campers. Do you agree to allowing Camp Amplify to perform a background check?

    What summer staff position are you applying for? (Feel free to contact with questions
    and full job descriptions.)

    What is your strongest quality and why?

    What is your weakest quality and why?


    Please share how you live your life according to the below. (These issues are relevant to our summer youth).

    What are your views on?

    Personal References

    Please give your Pastor (or Youth Pastor) and two other non-family references below. We will contact these references as part of your potential service.

    Medical Information

    I am allergic to the following:

    Please read the following waiver and release. Below it, you can enter you name if you agree with the terms, and if you verify that all information given is true to the best of your knowledge

    Waiver and Release.  Counselor covenants not to sue and does hereby release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless and fully indemnify Camp Amplify Inc. and its affiliates, officers, directors, staff, employees, agents, volunteers, counselors, sponsors, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns (the “Released Parties”), from any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, expenses, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity arising out of or relating to (i) Counselor’s participation in Camp Amplify Inc. events (ii) Counselor’s performance or non-performance of counselor work and (iii) first aid or medical treatment provided to Counselor in connection with his or her participation in events and counselor work with Camp Amplify Inc. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Counselor understands and acknowledges that the foregoing covenant not to sue, release, discharge, and agreement to hold harmless and fully indemnify discharges the Released Parties from any liability or claim that Counselor may have against a Released Party for bodily injury or property damage, regardless of whether such injury or damage is caused in part by the act or omission of a Released Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this release shall be interpreted as requiring Counselor to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless a Released Party from any liability, claims, demands, or causes of action caused solely by that Released Party’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Counselor agrees that the release, discharge, and agreement to hold harmless and fully indemnify set forth in this release are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law.

    Assumption of the Risk. Counselor understands that participating in Camp Amplify Inc. events and his or her counselor work may involve activities that may be hazardous to the Counselor and inherently dangerous risks, including but not limited to horseback riding, camp sports or amusement rides, swimming and traveling to and from camp or parks in vans or busses and Counselor understands that there is a possibility of accidental or other physical injury or death to Counselor or of loss or damage to Counselor s property. Counselor hereby expressly and specifically assumes the risk of damage, injury, harm, or death in connection with such participation and counselor work. In addition to any other risks posed by participating in events of Camp Amplify Inc. and his or her counselor work, Counselor understands that, despite any safety precautions being taken by Camp Amplify Inc., by participating in events and being a counselor with Camp Amplify Inc., there is a risk of potential exposure to COVID-19 or any other harmful virus or bacteria, which may result in illness or death.

    Medical Treatment. Counselor hereby grants permission for first aid and/or C.P.R. to be given to Counselor in an emergency, as determined in the sole discretion of any employee, staff member, or agent of Camp Amplify Inc.  Counselor further agrees that (a) Counselor will be solely responsible for any medical costs or expenses or any loss, liability, or damage which may arise as a result thereof, (b) Camp Amplify Inc. (including its employees, staff members, and agents) may act on Counselor’s behalf in securing medical treatment for Counselor in the event of injury or illness to Counselor, and (c) Camp Amplify Inc. may act on Counselor’s behalf in accepting financial responsibility for any such first aid and/or other medical treatment secured for Counselor (which responsibility shall be borne solely by Counselor).

    Photographs and other Media Release. Counselor agrees to allow Counselor to be photographed or recorded in other media, such as video or audio recordings, in connection with activities or events of Camp Amplify Inc. Counselor understands and agrees that the photographs and/or other media recordings may be used to promote Camp Amplify Inc. and/or its services and events. Counselor hereby irrevocably grants and conveys unto Camp Amplify Inc. all right, title, and interest in any and all photographic images and other media recordings taken of Counselor during activities and events of Camp Amplify Inc., including, but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such photographs or other media recordings. Counselor understands and agrees that Counselor is waiving all rights to privacy and ownership regarding the use of such photographs and other media recordings.

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    Note: In order to complete your application as a Camp Counselor or Volunteer, the following form with information will be required. You may go ahead and download and print the full application and fill it out at home.

    Please attach a copy of your drivers license to the application when you submit it.

    Camp Amplify will perform a background check on all Counselor and Volunteer applicants to ensure the safety of our campers.